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Living here

Learn the language of hygge

Even though many Danes are fluent in other languages, English for example, it is often preferred by some employers that you speak Danish when you apply for a job in Denmark.

Everyone moving to Denmark is offered a Danish Education free of charge within five years of their arrival.

The Danish Education will give you a basic every day Danish, as well as introduce you to the Danish culture and society. You will learn how to small talk about the weather as well as the parliamentary election, to use the word hygge and pronounce the letters æ, ø and å.

Classes are highly flexible, so you can plan learning Danish alongside family and work. Within two years you will be holding a functional language and a diploma - completely free of charge - enabling you to engage in the communities surrounding you. In the work place, with other parents in your children's daycare or school, with neighbours or your local sports team.

Because the Danish language is the key to the Danish community.

Besides learning the language, by joining a local language centre you will join a learning community of international newcomers and extend your network. You will meet skilled professionals with experience in teaching Danish as a language to adults. And you will further strengthen your ties to the local community as you enter into a locally rooted educational institution.